Monday, January 11, 2010


I love having a clear head. Sometimes, I did not have the energy to, use my WIIFIT. Since, my meds are lower. I am very lively. Lot's of energy. No brain fog. My head is clear. A lot of energy. I used to not make it to the, Gleaner's, sometimes, I just could not get out of bed. No problem, doing it now. I have been suffering, mentally, when they got changed. I got, this, change and I ended up, with severe anger and severe irrational feelings. I will always have, the anger, controlled. I am a calm, easy going person. I never get angry at all. I cue in and it leaves, me time to calm down. Be mindful, of everything. It is gives, you time to deal, with, the emotions. Mindfulness, is cuing in and recognizing, feelings. I am losing control of irrational feelings. I have a lot of episodes, since I got my meds, changed. It is harder, to catch impulsive emotions. My HD Dr. Trew, wants, to put me on a anti - psychotic, for it. We want info about, this drug, before, I take. I get allegeric, reactions, to meds. We got a appointment with Dr. Walker, to review my meds. I have to, fight anger, more now. I am also, suffering, from depression. My Dad, told me, it comes and goes. Mom, used to be, like that. I listen, to happy music. It has got me, through, everything, including, my Mom's death. My Dad, does, not want me on extra meds. My Mom, had some anti- depressants, she would, sleep, all of the time. Come, fight, with me. We need, to survive. Survive, or die. What, would you rather do? I rather fight, to the death. I will, take on and show it, that it does, not own me. Make a promise, with me. To fight, with me. We, will, ever, give in. We will never give up. Join me, Fight with me. We are all strong. Together, we are united. Together, we are strong.


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