Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Meds not working

I am having bad dementia. I forgot to talk about my meds not working. I was fighting depression and up and down moods. Today, I start my new meds. They upped my anti depressant. They were worried about upping them. My body can't take anymore. My Mom was in the hospital, hallucinating, when she got more meds, then she needed. My Dad, was worried, about me being on a lot of meds. I have been in horrible HD pain and uncomfortable pain again. Once again, I was up all night, I could not sleep. I was kicking in bed. I also get in the day now. I feel like freaking out. I just want to kick. I have a hard time typing. I feel the same thing, in my arms too. Accept HD. I have to accept it. This is the real HD. This is our life. We have to deal with it. Live with. try our best, to fight. Fight, with me. Don't ever give up. Fight every second, it all counts. Strength is found in our souls. We are stronger, then we think. Use, that strength, to fight HD.

1 comment:

Come on and tell me what you think about my posts. I can use, these to grow. If I have touched you, some how, let me know, how I change your life. I want too know, if I keep your spirists. I also, want too know, if you are going through the same thing.

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