Friday, May 29, 2009

Help Keep Horse Slaughter Out of the U.S.

Help Keep Horse Slaughter Out of the U.S.

In 2007, a hard-earned victory for horses in the U.S. was achieved: state-level legislation succeeded in shutting down the nation’s last three horse slaughterhouses. These foreign-owned businesses, located in Texas and Illinois, were economically draining, environmentally damaging and treated animals with exceptional cruelty. The owners paid no export taxes and little in income taxes.

Unfortunately, pro-horse slaughter legislation is on the rise. State governments all over the country are considering offering special protections, tax breaks and other incentives for horse meat processing plants to open.
Pro-slaughter legislation introduced this year includes:

Montana: In early May, MT passed a law to allow investor-owned horse slaughter plants to operate and prohibit courts from granting injunctions to stop or delay their construction.

Tennessee: State Rep. Frank S. Niceley has proposed amending a bill that has nothing to do with horse slaughter with language to pave the way for the construction of a horse slaughterhouse.

TN residents, take action

North Dakota: The Legislature and Governor Hoeven have approved a bill to spend $50,000 of taxpayer money to study the feasibility of opening a horse slaughter facility.

You can help keep horse slaughter out of the U.S. for good by urging Congress to vote for the
This federal bill will criminalize the purchase, sale, delivery, or export of horses and horse meat intended for human consumption. If passed, it will override any state efforts to legalize horse slaughter for human consumption.


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