Do you remember that Pres. Obama said that the NIH stem cell guidelines would go under review? Well as part of that review process, YOU areinvited to register your opinion with the NIH about what you'd like to seeas the guidelines for stem cell research. Don Reed's family was at the White House when Pres. Obama signed the stemcell bill that reversed federal funding for stem cells. If you want to readup on why it's important that you participate, you might want to read Don's blog:
You only have until May 26 before the NIH public comment forum is closed. Ifyou just want to go check out the site here's the link:
Your comment can be as long as you want it, or as simple as a sentence:"I support the position of the California Institute for Regenerative Medicine(CIRM) to improve the new federal stem cell research funding guidelines." CIRM is the world's largest source of embryonic stem cell research funding,internationally respected.
There are also several outstanding organizations that have articulatedpositions worthy of your considered support. For example, the world-renownedInternational Society for Stem Cell Research, (ISSCR), also has carefullystudied the issues involved. Their sample letter can be viewed at the bottomof this page
Below is an email from the American's for Cures with some other suggestionsfor writing NIH.
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