I did one of thesee in Canada.
You can check out. Dr. Ready here:
If you live in the US and would like to participate in this Quality of Life Survey, see the below.
<ready@PSYCH. UMASS.EDU>Subject: Volunteers for On-line Research StudyHello HD Discussion Members,Please see below for an announcement about an on-line study about Quality of Life in persons affected by Huntington's Disease.Many thanks and please send questions to ready@PSYCH. UMASS.EDURegards,Rebecca E. Ready, Ph.D.University of Massachusetts
<ready@PSYCH. UMASS.EDU>Subject: Volunteers for On-line Research StudyHello HD Discussion Members,Please see below for an announcement about an on-line study about Quality of Life in persons affected by Huntington's Disease.Many thanks and please send questions to ready@PSYCH. UMASS.EDURegards,Rebecca E. Ready, Ph.D.University of Massachusetts
Quality of Life In Huntington's Disease Research Study1. Are you diagnosed with Huntington's disease?2. Or are you at risk for Huntington's disease?3. Do you have a friend or family member who knows you well?
You must be 18 years of age or older to participate. If you match the above criteria, you might be eligible to participate in a research study conducted by investigators at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst. The goal of this research study is to develop a valid and reliable questionnaire about quality of life in Huntington's disease.
Persons are asked to complete questionnaires, either online or at UMass.
Just send an email to readylab@psych. umass.edu to say that you meet the criteria (or if you have questions). Or, if you meet the criteria, you can just go ahead and get started:The study involves completing questionnaires online (compensation is $20) or at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst(compensatio n is $30). We ask that you have a close companion also participate; they are compensated the same amounts. The study will take about 1 hour or less. If you are eligible to participate and you are in the Amherst, Massachusetts area, it would be great if you could come to the University to participate. If not, you are welcome to do the study on-line:
Participant Survey: http://www.surveymo nkey.com/ s.aspx?sm= d_2fJUMgVQUBRHFQ N8yS0aYQ_ 3d_3
dCompanion Survey: http://www.surveymo nkey.com/ s.aspx?sm= 1gJAotDzZteiCAwz RynMeg_3d_ 3d
Please ask someone who knows you well to complete the companion survey. Companions can be 18 years of age or older.
Please ask someone who knows you well to complete the companion survey. Companions can be 18 years of age or older.
Participants will be invited to return in approximately 2 weeks to complete a few of the questionnaires again; this follow-up session will last no more than 30 minutes and is optional.
For more information, please contact: Emily or Katie, Research Assistants, Department of Psychology, University of Massachusetts, Amherst: Call (413) 545-5258 or readylab@psych. umass.eduRebecca E. Ready, Ph.D.Assistant ProfessorDepartment of PsychologyUniversity of MassachusettsTobin Hall 609135 Hicks WayAmherst, MA 01003413-545-1359
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