Friday, September 4, 2009

ACR16 trial Results-sent to me

This huge. This is our cure. It is here. Look no further. It is here and now.
Tony was in the ACR16 trial as well and his improvements were noticed by everyone. His chorea was less severe. In the kitchen as we made dinner, or example, he would abandon his walker and go from sink to fridge or oven without it. When he was using his walker he was much more stable than before. But it was the cognitive improvements that were most impressive. We own a family business which sells electronic instruments to the pipeline industry. It has been several years since we were able to use a circuit designed by Tony. Usually they have flaws but during the trial period he designed a circuit for a transmitter and we built a prototype and put it on test. It was an improvement and now we are using it to upgrade all of our transmitters. He could not have done that before the trial. It has been very hard to watch him regress after the trial. Our son and I are on a campaign to get Huntexil (the trade name for the ACR16 drug) on the compassionate use approved list


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