Friday, February 22, 2008

A Fight for a Future

I had a big fall yesterday. I keep leaning into things that are why
Trevorsays I fall. We are going to ask the landlords if we can put
grab bars into the bathroom. The funny thing is they have HD in
their family too. It is a small world. I warned all of my family that I
had HD and would come back positive. I am so happy to know that I
have it now. It is hitting my Trevor still the hardest. He has been up
and down like me when he is at work. Don’t hate HD. I don’t. Accept
we can’t change it. We will fight it with all of the ammo we have. I
have to fight it with everything in my being. The fightis more ever
important now than it was ever. Gary was so depressed when I went
home. He has not done any self care since he found out. That is why
I need to fight for happiness, for hope, for a life worth living. I can’t
afford to get depressed and stop caring. I need this time to fight
harder than ever. Fight with me. Every smile is worth it. We need go
find a hope and a world worth living for. Worth fighting for. We need
to build that morethan ever. Make every day worth it. Every day is a
new fight. Keep that fire inside. We will need it when we hurt the
most. Learn to live again.


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