Thursday, February 12, 2009

Fun Day

Today they did not need me at the Gleaner’s. Gerry has been sick for 2 weeks now. I I had fun doing Gymnastics. We got ten people there now. A lot of people quit. Now we have a lot more. It is good to have tons of people. I have another HD free day. On Tuesday we have an appointment with Julie Gyles. She is the head Nurse at home support. We can’t wait to move. It can’t come soon enough. I always enjoy Thursdays. Enjoy life. That is what we live for. Hope is what we face on a daily basis. Always fight for hope. Hope makes the real difference on our lives. We know that this is temporary. No one else has to die. HD will not claim us. We will fight hard. Fight HD away. Fight it all away. We can fight. It is a hard a battle. We can win though. Don’t give up the fight. Don’t think of it. Just believe. Believe a hundred percent. Trevor has a surprise for me on Valentine's Day. I never thought in a million years I could get married.


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