My mother found out she has huntingtons several months ago.We all knew she did a few years ago but she refused testing do to the fact that her father and brother died from it as well as many of her extended family members.Currently she has two sisters that have it and are critically ill.My mom refuses now to go visit any of her family. I think she is ashamed of herself now and doesn't want them to see her.She is batteling depression, clumsiness,speach dificulty,and falling. Some days are better than others.Only a week ago she was at walmart with my dad she bumped into a lady by accident and appoligized.The lady got very ill and said some nasty htings to my mom.My dad defended her and explained to the lady why this happened.The lady replied that he needed to put my mom in nursing home. My sisters and I all agree that she doesn't need that.Right now every thing the nusing home would do we can and will do for her. I'm not criticising nursing homes, but my mom is affraid of them. She thinks that once your put in one that your family is giving up on you and that they will soon foreget about you. I guess thats becaus it happed to her dad and brother along with some aunts uncles and cousins. Its been hard for us even in these early stages because not only does my mom have huntingtons but,brace yourself, she was diagnossed legally blind 8 years ago. She has to have help with everything she does.The part that makes hard is she wont allow outside help and we wont force it on her although we all agree tha she needs it.we feel that she will tell us when she is ready for help, but a nursing home is defenatly out of the question. someday there will be a cure and no body will have to go through what we all are dealing with. best wishes and prayers to all of you. E-Mail me at thanks meg
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My mother found out she has huntingtons several months ago.We all knew she did a few years ago but she refused testing do to the fact that her father and brother died from it as well as many of her extended family members.Currently she has two sisters that have it and are critically ill.My mom refuses now to go visit any of her family. I think she is ashamed of herself now and doesn't want them to see her.She is batteling depression, clumsiness,speach dificulty,and falling. Some days are better than others.Only a week ago she was at walmart with my dad she bumped into a lady by accident and appoligized.The lady got very ill and said some nasty htings to my mom.My dad defended her and explained to the lady why this happened.The lady replied that he needed to put my mom in nursing home. My sisters and I all agree that she doesn't need that.Right now every thing the nusing home would do we can and will do for her. I'm not criticising nursing homes, but my mom is affraid of them. She thinks that once your put in one that your family is giving up on you and that they will soon foreget about you. I guess thats becaus it happed to her dad and brother along with some aunts uncles and cousins. Its been hard for us even in these early stages because not only does my mom have huntingtons but,brace yourself, she was diagnossed legally blind 8 years ago. She has to have help with everything she does.The part that makes hard is she wont allow outside help and we wont force it on her although we all agree tha she needs it.we feel that she will tell us when she is ready for help, but a nursing home is defenatly out of the question. someday there will be a cure and no body will have to go through what we all are dealing with. best wishes and prayers to all of you. E-Mail me at