Monday, January 12, 2009

Life Line

We got our first disability check today. I had my life line set up up Saturday. It has a button that I wear 24/7. If I fall I can hit the button and a call will go through to their call center. Trevor is first on the list. Alice is second, and Terry is third. We got an expensive one. Home support pays for most of it. It has reminders. It reminds me of my meds. When to brush my teeth too. I love having it. Today I have had a really bad HD day. I have fallen a few times. I can’t balance. No matter how sick we get. It happens. We have good days and bad days. Keep moving. Keep fighting. Never give up. Don’t think of it. Think of hope. Think of life. Think of the cures right before our eyes. The dreams are there. Never lose sight of that future. We don’t have to die. HD will be cured. We are too good not to be saved. It is a struggle. In the end it will be worth it. Life is precious. Learn to live with HD. Accept HD. Live for the cure. The generations will stop when together. Imagine that life. That is now. That is then. We can get there. Sooner than later.


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