Sunday, March 2, 2008


I have been getting sicker today. I had overslept. I found out that it
brings us the same damage as sleep deprivation. It made me feel
just as bad. I had extreme brainfog today. I also had a hard time
with my balance. I have a hard time spelling. I have a hard time
fixing my eyes on something. I have my Phsyio referral now. Gary is
on Seroquel the same med I am on. I think we are going to increase
my dose. It is not doing for my mood swings, paranoia, or
hallucinations. It is a really hard fight everyday when you are not
regulated. One of things I do to stop these feelings is listening to
happy music. Watch something. Distract yourself. Take a hot bath
anything to take away the pain. Because I have HD means I
struggle. It is how we deal with the struggle that makes the
difference. I need other coping mechanisms. We all do. I do still
count everyday as a blessing. I thank myself when I accomplish
something ordinary. Thank yourselves for every little thing that is
good. Just do anything. Take the credit. Credit is due. We can do
anything we want to. We just have to have faith in ourselves. Don’t
let HD be an excuse not to do anything. Even though it is hard. HD
should never be giving control. That is what it wants. It wants to ruin
or lives. It wants to wear us down. We all know how to get control
back on or happiness and hope. We have fight every day hard. It is
always be worth. To have a great life. Up in the clouds is the place
for us.Up in the clouds we remain.


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