Yesterday I was sicker than I was all this week. Which was good. I
went to Pshysio and he did not have to ask me to act like I am
sicker. He taught Trevor and I an exercise for him to notice my
twitches. We do it when I am exasperated. We did that and that is
the only time I noticed the twitches. I did the same exercises as I
did last week. What is funny I did better than sick than before. Very
funny. I jumped so high, last time I needed help. They noted that my
HD can vary every day. It gets worse for any time period and then it
gets better. It also varies during the day. I told him about my web
page. He wants me to be more active to make up for this. He had me
walk outside. Up stairs. We found out that I was walking on the my
back foot. Now I have to remember to walk flat footed. Yesterday I
was very sick again. Had trouble dressing and bathing. I had
trouble chewing. I was scared that I would go through another bad
stretch. I also overslept. That kills me. Today I am healthy again.
We had to pay 15 dollars for every Psyhsio appointment. Trevor
said how strapped we are and he was nice and let us pay 5 dollars
every time. They are a nice crew there. All of my Doctors are really
good. We told him about my positive HD site. He said that majority
of information is matter of fact and with that comes for the no hope.
That is how it is though. Nobody gets hope from matter of fact
saying you are going to die. You have 20 years left. We need hope
so bad. He is impressed with my mission like all my Doctors. I found
a need and fulfilled for everyone that has HD. We needed hope so
bad. I need to give it to you. Try to stay away from that matter of fact
approach. That tells us our illness; we have to live our lives with the
knowledge of hope and faith. We will get cured. Who cares what
the text book says. We have a good quality of life, if we have the one
basic thing to survive. That is hope. We can’t survive without hope.
It is little to find. It makes all of the difference when we get it. That
is our life line. Knowing that everything will be okay. We will have a
great future when we do get cured. Never give up believing that. We
don’t need textbook answers. We need real live hope. No wonder
HD has a high suicide rate if this we face. Textbook for everything.
We don’t need you. We will survive fine. We will cope. Just give us
went to Pshysio and he did not have to ask me to act like I am
sicker. He taught Trevor and I an exercise for him to notice my
twitches. We do it when I am exasperated. We did that and that is
the only time I noticed the twitches. I did the same exercises as I
did last week. What is funny I did better than sick than before. Very
funny. I jumped so high, last time I needed help. They noted that my
HD can vary every day. It gets worse for any time period and then it
gets better. It also varies during the day. I told him about my web
page. He wants me to be more active to make up for this. He had me
walk outside. Up stairs. We found out that I was walking on the my
back foot. Now I have to remember to walk flat footed. Yesterday I
was very sick again. Had trouble dressing and bathing. I had
trouble chewing. I was scared that I would go through another bad
stretch. I also overslept. That kills me. Today I am healthy again.
We had to pay 15 dollars for every Psyhsio appointment. Trevor
said how strapped we are and he was nice and let us pay 5 dollars
every time. They are a nice crew there. All of my Doctors are really
good. We told him about my positive HD site. He said that majority
of information is matter of fact and with that comes for the no hope.
That is how it is though. Nobody gets hope from matter of fact
saying you are going to die. You have 20 years left. We need hope
so bad. He is impressed with my mission like all my Doctors. I found
a need and fulfilled for everyone that has HD. We needed hope so
bad. I need to give it to you. Try to stay away from that matter of fact
approach. That tells us our illness; we have to live our lives with the
knowledge of hope and faith. We will get cured. Who cares what
the text book says. We have a good quality of life, if we have the one
basic thing to survive. That is hope. We can’t survive without hope.
It is little to find. It makes all of the difference when we get it. That
is our life line. Knowing that everything will be okay. We will have a
great future when we do get cured. Never give up believing that. We
don’t need textbook answers. We need real live hope. No wonder
HD has a high suicide rate if this we face. Textbook for everything.
We don’t need you. We will survive fine. We will cope. Just give us
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