Sunday, April 20, 2008

Work Tommarow

Today I had ran into everything. I ran into the doors and
everything. I also had a bad hallucination. I saw a dog in car
that was not there. There was no dog there. I have been
drooling again. I have not remembered my meds in a couple
of days. I went out to lunch today with my neighbors. Lucky's
godmother and her mother. We met another Lady there. I
miss Jenny. I am still in a shock. She is actually gone. I am
trying to get that humans right person. I have the number. I
will get a hold of them. They will face jail time. I work
tomorrow again. I need to do what I can. While I can. We need
to never ever give up. Never let HD steal your quality of life.
Never let it take away everything you hold dear. We must
fight HD all of the way. With all of the inner strength. We can
do it. We can win. We can take back our life. This is all we
have. HD or not. This is all we have. These moments are what
we are fighting for. These moments make our life worth the
fight. The fight is always worth it. We have a life to live for. We will have a future to live for. We will be cured shortly.


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