Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Accpet HD

I am having another HD free day. No chorea today. It is weird. Usually I have a lot. I found out that MSG kills our brain cells. Sea salt can build them. We are going to get everything tomorrow. Don’t eat Chinese food. I just came back from a home care meeting. Accept HD. We have it. We see it. The only way to accept is to see. Accept that you or your loved ones are getting sicker. Accept it. HD is an illness that affects the whole family. Open your eyes and see what is going on. That is the only way to be at peace. Peace and harmony is your life. Being in denial won’t help a person get there. Don’t hide. You can’t be happy living in fear. You can’t be happy being scared. You don’t have to be afraid any more. Accept HD. Everyday I accept the fact that I am getting sicker. I am going to get sicker. We are all getting sicker. We just don’t have to die anymore. Not with the solid research that is here. By me accepting HD. I have moved on and live my life. It feels good to get out of denial. Get right out.


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