Saturday, August 2, 2008

Good HD Day

Today my Trevor has a surprise for me. The last one was Lucky. I wonder what he has for me. He has been saying this for a while now. I can’t believe it has been two years. My HD physical symptoms are getting less. I am perfectly healthy today. You never know what day you will be healthy. Also what day you won’t. My mental symptoms are getting worse. Non stop hallucinations and irrational thinking. I saw Lucky yesterday. It was not him. These are very scary hallucinations. I saw someone skateboarding. They did not have one. They are all back now. Live and love your life. I do believe that accepting HD is the only key to happiness. We need to accept it. We have HD. This is us. We are HD. This a illness that we will have to do the best to live with. Live and love HD. Love and try to live your life to the fullest. That is what life is for. Don’t ever let HD stop and take that away. Fight and grow. HD does help us grow. Grow as a person. We truly live. Accept and live with us.


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