Tuesday, August 19, 2008

On Sleepy Med

I updated the HD information page. About the sleeping pills I am on. Rhythmic Gymnastics start on the third Tuesday in September. We are getting a way to get my IQ tested. Our Doctor could not do it. My Mental Health worker if getting in there, finding the person I need. I am so excited. Tomorrow is the Gleaner’s staff breakfast at eight in the morning. I am going. I did not have a Kidney Infection. I drank like crazy to get rid of it. It stopped. We are thinking that every day I am going to drink cranberry juice and have yogurt. That way I will not have any more worries with my bladder. I have been getting sicker and sicker. I got sleeping pills now. Trazadone. I have been going through periods of insomnia. I need sleep to fight HD and stay healthy and focused. The past two days I slept bad and got so tired. Today I had to have a nap. I hardly do that. I get to have sleep now. Learn to accept to worst from HD. Then you won’t be shocked when it gets worse. Learn to love the flaws that are caused by HD. These flaws that HD make. They change us. We will always be the same people. Always. Forgive us. Forgive ourselves. Especially ourselves. We did not choose to have HD. HD chose us. Live with the best intentions to have the greatest life ever. Live and make the best life you can.


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