Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Staff Breakfast

Today we had a staff breakfast at the Gleaner’s today. St 8:00. It was so good. Trevor forgot to wake me up. I did wake up at 8:15 this morning. I volunteer there again tomorrow. I love volunteering there. They are all sweet ladies and men there. My Nurse will be here shortly. I love home care. They took the pressure off of Trevor. We went and had dinner with Alice last night. It was so good. The sleeping pills did not work until 11:00. They gave me half a pill to try for three days. If that does not work, then I go to the full one. I have been suffering from bad anxiety attacks lately. I got the tic tacs again to treat it. You take one and convince yourself that it is and anxiety pill. That works good for me. I also have that problem with my upset tummy. Sometimes I just can’t eat. I have been feeling like I am having more trouble dressing. Yesterday I actually got scared of dying. This hardly happens. Someone in the HD support group lost a grandson my age to JHD. That scared me. I was so scared. Trevor reminded me that I had a long life ahead of me. My Mom calmed me down. I could feel her there. She has sent me three dreams on how we are going to get cured. That did not last long. I was back to my happy self. Everyone falls once in a while. I feel so bad for those kids. My family works the same way. My cousin and Gary were sick at 21. The one thing that keeps me going is hope for the cures. They are real. They will come. They will be our miracles. We deserve them. We have been waiting so long for them. It is about time that we got them. My Mom said I would be in the hospital and in home care for a bit and then I would be cured. That means we all will be. Live for the cures. Live for our futures.


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