Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Severe Brain Fog

My best friend and Lucky’s Godmother is moving. They are moving to a different town. It is close to Creston. Want to know what HD is like? I put down my Trevor’s age wrong. I totally brain fogged. Thought I got it right. I find myself updating and figuring things out of my brain fog. My Trevor is 36 today. I forget a lot of things. Then I have spontaneous things I can remember. I feel like I am slowly losing my mind some days. I will call my Dad and forget the main questions that I needed to ask. The brain fog is getting worse. They have to remind me twice to take my meds the past two days. Everything is getting worse. My eyes had a hard time focusing yesterday. This is part of HD. We will all get sicker. It is part of HD. I have accepted that. Just accept the fact that we all get sicker. Accept the reality we live in. HD makes us sicker. That is the fact. No matter how sick I get. I can’t stop. I can’t let you people get scared and afraid. I was scared of other sites and blogs too. That is why I started mine. I could not stand that at all. I am your daily hope. I will never go away. Live and love your life. Accept the fact that we are going to get sicker. The thing now is that we can get cured. That changes the picture. We have real hope. Sometimes hope is all we have. We need to believe in miracles. Not another one of us has to die. We can all live. Plan your future.


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