Saturday, July 26, 2008

Bad HD day

I am sorry if these blogs are not the same text. I can't tell here. Everything is messed up. Trevor's Mom will let me use her computer until we get our net back. Evil Telus. I can't veiw my site right here either. They need Trevor here to fix these computers. I walked here fast and had the worst Chroea ever. I am so brain fogged and confused like crazy. I am also have mood swings. I used to use my computer to help me have a good distraction. Now I won't have that. I have a bit of depression for the past three days. Still looking future forward though. We all need to look future forward. We need to believe deep down that HD will not take the best of us. Don't let it take that. We have to fight to have the best of life. We deserve these things. We deserve to be happy. We truly do. Deserve the best out of life. Don't forget that. Fight HD. Fight for our future. We will have to fight away everything for our right to live. We know that fight. Only we know how everyday is. HD family. We should all be untied beacause all fight the same. We all know the same. Untited we can fight. Untited we can't fail.


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