Sunday, July 27, 2008

New HD Link

This is a new link. This person also has HD. Started up a community. He is one of us. Check out HD Youth on my link page. Tell him what you think. Check it out. Brand new.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks a lot Heather I really appreciate it, I have given your blog its own forum on my site

    Its got an RSS to your site so we get every post as you post it, and links to your blog to read it.

    If you ever wish to help out on the site as a HD Advisor let me know, anytime. Theres always a place for you, your blog helped me so much.

    Danny Fowler


Come on and tell me what you think about my posts. I can use, these to grow. If I have touched you, some how, let me know, how I change your life. I want too know, if I keep your spirists. I also, want too know, if you are going through the same thing.

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