Monday, May 26, 2008

Grab Bars

Today I have the day off. Trevor is here. On the days off, I don’t
have to cook. We had the Occupational Therapist come on.
She put bathroom bars in today. I have hard to me getting
into the tub. We are getting more put in two weeks from now.
Trevor is getting burnt out. His new job will not let him have
respite time. He is working ten hour days. Two jobs. He has to
wait three months until that will happen. Horrible. Yesterday
I fell hard. The family meeting will happen July 4th.The

phone conference with my family there and the doctors
in Calgary and here. We are making appointments to see my
Doctors soon in Calgary. We have a new social worker.
Trevor has sent her emails with no reply. No idea about that. I
loved Loretta so much. Our old one. Said we can still pop by
the hospital and see her. We have to appreciate our life. We
can have a good life. We have to make it. Plan you dreams.
Make some goals. I still want to see the ocean. If you make
plans you have a reason to get up and live. I want to run this
until I am incapacted. Give yourself a reason to live. Goals
and dreams will help you achieve that. If you are sick it is
more important. We need just only one reason to live for.
Make it for yourself. This is all we need. Plan and live. Plan
and love. Plan to forgive. Plan you life with out HD.


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