Thursday, May 29, 2008

Meds Change

Yesterday my meds got changed. MY HD Physiatrist DR Trew,sent an email to my Doctor here. Dr Walker. When they putme on Serqiol, I did not know the rest of his specifactions.My Docter did not tell my family either. I was supposed to beweened off Welbruitin. Along with my Serqiol I am supposedto take Epival. They were supposed to go together. That iswhy the Serqiol did not stop the anger and irantionalthinking. The Epival is supposed to do that. That is what I amdoing now. That keeps me up. I was up at 12 last night. Couldnot sleep. I am going to try taking them earlier. I feelexhausted too. They might have to adjust the Epival. Woke upat 7 this morning. I am going to change the HD informationpage with my new meds. We are hoping they work. My Dadand Trevor are going to watch me like a hawk. I don't want togo to the hospital again. Let's learn to love our life again. Let'slearn to accept HD. We are all going to get sicker. Loving ourlife means accepting HD. We can't move on until we accept.HD is what we are. It is how we chose to fight HD that makesthe difference. Accept HD and find the hope. We have it. Ownit. Own HD it is not going to go away. Until we are cured.Shorty. Until then we will have it. Believe me when I say HD istemporary. We will be cured soon. None of us has to die.


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